Friday, October 22, 2010


Today was a much more interesting observation day of my MicroAquarium (MA). As you can recall, or simply read, last week I only spotted two simple unicellular organisms. After only a week, life has begun erupting inside of my MA. I have spotted several organisms, both multicellular and unicellular. I saw an organism which, based on it's shape and presence of cilia and flagella, I believe is a rotifer, namely Tachysoma, although I can't be positive at this stage. It moved fairly quickly with the aid of it's flagella and didn't seem to ever pause.

I also spotted an amoeba of some kind. It was clear with black dots, and moved by shifting it's structure and cytoplasm in the direction it wanted to go. It moved rather slowly and looked a spill that was spreading.

While looking around the MA, I spotted several organisms I believe to be Actinosphaerium, based on a book identification (citation to come later). I even got to observe one engulfing another organism, which a happened to get a picture of, and will post once they are fully developed.

Other than these main organisms, I saw the same unicellular organisms as last week, as well as blue-green Cyanobacteria and some form of stationary diatom.

Hopefully next week these organisms will be further developed and more complex as the ecosystem evolves.

Until next week,


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